Fr. Geary’s Letter for 6-9-24

Dear Parishioners of St. James:

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Thank you, again, for your faithfulness and prayerful support these past 16 years.  Next Sunday you will have a new pastor to shepherd you to eternal life.  Please pray for him daily.  As your new spiritual father he will certainly pray for you in his daily Holy Mass and Divine Office.  The priesthood is a most sublime gift to the Church from Our Lord.  Priests act in the very person of Christ in the Sacraments.  God uses them as instruments of His divine grace to save souls.  

Give your new pastor your loving attention to his preaching and pastoral directives.  Lay people and priests, each in their own way, work and serve to extend the Kingdom of God.  The pastor should find joy in his flock as he sees them grow in holiness.  You should also rejoice that the Lord has not left you orphans (cf. Jn 14:18).  

Blessed be our High Priest, Jesus Christ, now and to the ages of ages.  His priesthood will not pass away.  He lives to make intercession for us (Heb. 7:25), and has given priests to extend His saving grace until He comes again.     

God bless you,

Fr. Geary

Published by St. James, Belvidere

Saint James Catholic Church, Belvidere, IL