Fr. Geary’s Letter for 5-26-24

Dear Parishioners of St. James:

  The Church celebrates the Most Holy Trinity this Sunday, a solemnity recognizing the inner life of God Himself. The Lord revealed Himself to men in time but His divine nature never had a beginning and will never have an end.  Eternally He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, one Lord, everliving in a communion of Persons. The Lord, our origin and goal, has revealed His merciful love to mankind inviting us to share life with Him forever.      

Praise, honor, glory, and thanksgiving belong to God because He is the only God, the true God. Anything good comes from Him because He is eternal goodness. All life comes from Him because He is existence itself. Following God’s commandments makes us abide in God  Who is love. His love is life-giving and life-receiving without taint of selfishness. The Personal exchange of love in Himself is our model of relating to other persons, including Himself. What wondrous mystery we have been privileged to encounter; what untold beauty and glory waits yet to be seen!

Being persons made in God’s own image and likeness we possess extraordinary dignity as human beings. The Triune God had called us forth into being from His eternal mind and invited us to everlasting happiness. May we respond to His offer of love by loving Him with our whole mind, heart, soul, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves (cf. Mk. 12:30).  Then we will be like Him and enjoy His eternal beatitude forever.

God bless you,

Fr. Geary

Published by St. James, Belvidere

Saint James Catholic Church, Belvidere, IL