Fr. Geary’s Letter for 5-19-24

Dear Parishioners of St. James:

            Praised be Jesus Christ!

            It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that I will be transferred from St. James Parish to be pastor of a different parish next month (the name of the parish will appear in the Observer next week).  My last weekend here will be June 8-9. After each of the Masses on June 8th and 9th, I would like to thank you and say goodbye with some light refreshments in the gymnasium of the St. James Center.  

            When Bishop Doran assigned me to St. James in 2008 he asked me to implement four things: Increase Eucharistic devotion; offer more Confession times; to found a St. Vincent de Paul Society, and to build a new church. Because of your tireless love for God and neighbor, we have been able to accomplish these goals. The Lord has truly blessed our parish with faithful priests, deacons, staff, and laity.  When the new pastor of St. James arrives in mid-June I know that you will give him the welcome and support that you have so generously shown me these many years.

            Thank you, people of St. James, for accompanying me toward salvation in Christ Jesus these past 16 years. It has been a great honor to shepherd you. Please pray for me and your new pastor that we may press forward in holiness together with the flock assigned to us.

God bless you,

Fr. Geary  

Published by St. James, Belvidere

Saint James Catholic Church, Belvidere, IL